Day 4
There are just way too many stories from one day of street evangelism to share in one blog post. So I'll just share one this time. And this one occurred when we weren't even trying to share the gospel.
Our long day of work in the hot sun had come to an end. Our local pastor and his wife took us out to dinner to get some hamburgers (sidebar- I'm posting a pic of the burgers just for fun because they were a sight to behold).
Anyway... while we were eating, a couple different musicians came "busking" at the tables. One was a young rapper. I couldn't understand a word he was saying because it was in Spanish of course. But at one point, he was clearly directing his lyrics to me. My friends interpreted his general message which wasn't bad. At that, I joined the fun by getting up from the table and busting my best pop & lock moves from the 80's.
When he finished, my friends told him I am a rapper and would be rapping at the local park tomorrow. He invited me to show what I could do and started beatboxing (quite well). I rapped a verse of one of my originals and everyone applauded. He then asked through my interpreter, what I was rapping about. I told him, "Jesu Cristo" and specifically Ephesians 6 about putting on spiritual armor and not being intimidated by the devil. Next thing I knew, one of the ladies I was with was leading him to Christ.
It was AWESOME!!!
We just went for hamburgers and he just came to busk.
But GOD HAD A BIGGER PLAN for this young man tonight!!!