Day 1 - Traveling
If you've ever been on a short term mission, you know JUST GETTING THERE can be a pretty grueling adventure. Today was no exception.
Between getting up at 4:00 a.m, dealing with the chaos of airport protocol (Austin's airport was the most chaotic I've ever experienced in that particular airport), going long hours without eating, being asked questions by immigration that you can't translate, was a very tiring day.
On top of all that, throw in a 2 hour car ride to get to our hotel and of three cars to ride in... you guessed it...I got the one whose a/c was broken. And yet, in the midst of all of that, it was an incredibly GREAT DAY!!!
It was great because I was with fellow Christians who have been praying and preparing to be together in the chaos, heat, and challenges with a purpose... an eternal purpose! It was great because, after denying our stomachs for a little while, the food tasted better than ordinary.
And the hot ride in the car crammed in the backseat with 2 new friends, made for laughs and also made us that much more thankful for the hotel, a shower, and an opportunity for a good night's sleep.
It will be good to have a day to recoup, share breakfast, begin training, and start worshipping together through the word, singing, and prayer. All in all, it's been a blessed day.