Veracruz | Day 7
Today was the final day in Veracruz. This was a free day for us to enjoy the city, the food, the tourist attractions, the breeze off of the Gulf of Mexico, the sights, the sounds, and whatever else we wanted to enjoy.
Yesterday was our final day doing ministry at our various locations. Each of us was assigned to a team that worked with a local church in the area to canvas their neighborhoods and share the gospel with the people around them.
We ended the day yesterday with a joint service of all of the churches and teams where we worshipped, gave testimony, listened to some preaching, said our thanks to one another, and parted ways.
Dale and I had the opportunity to participate in this final gathering of the teams and churches. I (Brad) was asked to do a couple of songs at the front of the service. I did “Oh How I Need You (Lord I Find You)” and “How Great is Our God”. During “How Great is Our God'' it was amazing ot hear 100’s of voices singing with me in Spanish as I sang that song in English, and together, through music and in different languages, we were able to come together as one and worship the same God. It was a glimpse of how eternity with God will be.
Dale was asked to do a couple of his rap songs toward the middle of the service. For one song he used a track and for his second song he used a guitar. In both cases we saw the Church of Mexico enjoy worship and the gospel through the creative artistry of rap. I’m sure the people of Mexico have heard rap before, but probably not like this or for this purpose. So it was a unique experience to see them take it all in.
We did post some videos to our individual Facebook pages of you would like to see the action!
As mentioned at the beginning of this post, this is our last day here in Veracruz. We are currently back at the hotel packed and ready to get on our planes to head back home. Our time here has been fascinating, educational, impactful, and a blessing in so many ways. I am sure both Dale and I will have many stories to share that we haven’t shared in these blogs when we return home. I’m sure there will be many lessons for us to take for ourselves that we are still chewing on.
Either way, we won’t leave this place the same as when we arrived.
On a travel related note - one of the requirements to get back home was a positive COVID test, and I am happy to report that everyone on our team has got a negative COVID test returned to us, so this means we shall all be coming home on time and when we expected to.
God is such a great Father to have shown us favor in our health and kept us safe during our time.
Needless to say though, we are ready to come home.
We love you all and will see you soon!