The world is experiencing a level of chaos that is unprecedented in our life-times! An urgent need has arisen for the RESURGENCE OF EVANGELISTS!
While every Christian is commanded to evangelize and make disciples, “evangelists” are called to proclaim the gospel to very specific audiences. EVANGELISTS ARE PART OF GOD’S DESIGN to initiate discipleship and deliver “a harvest” of brand new Christ followers to local churches.
Since 1997, Cross Culture Ministries has been sending out evangelists to come alongside local churches. By God’s grace, this ministry has witnessed many people come to salvation and many more experience deeper spiritual growth.
While no one knows the hour or the day of Christ’s return, we believe the season is upon us! The time is NOW to utilize THE GIFT OF THE EVANGELIST. When Jesus comes again to establish His Kingdom, we want to be found preaching His message of salvation to this world. Our evangelists are gifted, called, and anointed by the Holy Spirit. We have witnessed the power of God upon their ministries and highly recommend each of them.